Metadata Model

Mod Activity

The central concept of the Databus Mods Ontology is the class mod:DatabusMod, which is a subclass of prov:Activity. Instances of this class define Mod Activities generating metadata using Databus files. Mods implementing this model should create a sub-class of mod:DatabusMod to describe the performing Mod Activity further. Instances of mod:DatabusMod are described with the following properties:

mod:version – Describes the version of the implementation performing the Mod Activity, e.g, the semantic version of the form major.minor.patch or a Git3 commit hash.

mod:statSummary – The main summary of the Mod Activity like an overall rating. The intend is to create a sub-property using rdfs:subPropertyOf describing the the properties value by adding an rdfs:comment. This property is optional.

prov:startedAtTime – Is the date time when a Mod Activity is deemed to have been started. The literal value is of the type xsd:dateTime.

prov:endedAtTime – The time when a Databus Mod Activity ended. The literal value is of the type xsd:dateTime.

prov:used – The prov:Entity that was used by the Databus Mod. The value of this attribute is the same as specified by the property dataid:file in the DataID and represents a stable Databus file identifier.

prov:generated – The result files generated by the activity. The values of this attribute have the domain prov:Entity. In the case of Databus Mods the provided resource must be either of the sub type mod:Summary, mod:Statistics, or mod:Enrichment

Mod Activity Metadata

@prefix mod: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix n0: <> .

<activity.ttl> a mod:OnlineCheckMod ;
  mod:version        "1.0.0" ;
  prov:used          n0:demo-graph\/20210301\/demo-graph.png ;
  prov:startedAtTime "2021-04-15T12:05:36.384Z"^^xsd:#dateTime ;
  prov:endedAtTime   "2021-04-15T12:05:36.851Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
  mod:onlineRate     "100%"^^xsd:string ;
  prov:generated     <online.csv> ;
  prov:generated     <online.svg> .

<online.svg> mod:svgDerivedFrom n0:demo-graph\/20210301\/demo-graph.png .
<online.csv> mod:csvDerivedFrom n0:demo-graph\/20210301\/demo-graph.png .

Mod Result

@prefix dcat: <> .

dcat:mediaType <> .
dcat:compression <ttp://> .

Last updated